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Arranging Support and Services


In November 2024, Section 8, Out of Area Services was updated to clarify that Extra Care Housing is classified as specified accommodation.

November 22, 2024

This procedure should be used when a final personal budget has been agreed, Care and Support Plan (or Support Plan) has been signed off and services are to be arranged.

Note: This procedure is used by all of the following teams and services:

  1. Locality Teams;
  2. Hospital Social Work Teams;
  3. Sensory Support Team;
  4. Learning Disability Locality Teams;
  5. Countywide Review Service;
  6. Substance Misuse Service;
  7. Integrated Community Mental Health Teams;
  8. 14-25 Navigation Service.

See the Commissioning and Brokerage Procedure.

The Commissioning and Brokerage Procedure contains the processes for arranging a host of services.

When the Care and Support/Support Plan has been signed off you should proceed to arrange the Direct Payment as set out in the plan.

Direct Payments should be arranged in line with local processes and requirements.

See the Direct Payment Procedure for further information.

When agreed any urgent and interim support should be arranged using the Commissioning and Brokerage Procedure.

Professional support is on-going support that you intend to personally provide to the person/carer that is outside the statutory requirement to arrange, monitor and review services.

Examples of professional support include:

  1. Long term planning and monitoring;
  2. Regular Wellbeing visits;
  3. Advocacy support;
  4. Counselling.

You should discuss and agree the need to provide professional support with your line manager, as often the support may be better provided by someone from within the person's/carer's informal networks or a person or organisation with specialist skills.

If you do provide professional support the existence of the support should be clearly visible from the person's/carer's records.

You must keep proportionate records of all professional support provided and ensure that the need for professional support is reviewed regularly through statutory review functions and supervision.

Alternative services are services or methods of support in a Care and Support/Support Plan that meet an eligible need but cannot be directly commissioned by adult social care. They include things like:

  1. Housing;
  2. Welfare benefits;
  3. Health provision;
  4. Colleges and training centres;
  5. Specialist transport services;
  6. A community based group or church; and
  7. A charitable support group.

Under the Care Act the duty to meet eligible needs is only discharged from the Local Authority when any alternative services to meet that need are in place. This means that you must be satisfied that:

  1. The person/carer (or their representative) will make appropriate and timely arrangements to meet eligible needs through the alternative services identified;
  2. The alternative services identified are available and can be provided in a timely way.

You must also consider any support that the person/carer may need to arrange the alternative service and whether the advocacy duty applies.

If you have any concerns that eligible needs may not be met by an alternative service in the time or manner intended you must take steps to:

  1. Monitor the situation;
  2. Plan and agree what action the Local Authority will take if the alternative service is not provided to ensure that its duty to meet eligible needs is met (this could be the provision of interim support during any periods of delay).

In some situations it may be appropriate and proportionate to support the person/carer to make arrangements to access the alternative service in order to be satisfied that the service is in place and meeting needs as set out in the Care and Support/Support Plan. You can support the person/carer to arrange the service yourself or you could ask another person (such an advocate or family member) to do this. If a person with care and support needs is already in receipt of paid support from an agency they may also be able to assist.

Any on-going need for support to access an alternative service on a regular basis should have been identified as part of the Care and Support planning process (for example if support is required each week to arrange specialist transport) and appropriate long term arrangements should be in place. If this is not the case you must explore methods for meeting this need with the person/carer (or their representative) from a strengths based approach, and make best use of the services and support already available in the Care and Support /Support Plan (for example the task could be added to the care plan of a domiciliary care agency).

If there is no appropriate and proportionate way to meet the need from within the current Care and Support /Support Plan a review may be required.

An individual who has been financially assessed as able to afford the full cost of the services to meet their eligible needs (self funding) can choose to arrange and manage those services without the involvement of the Local Authority unless:

  1. They lack capacity to do so; and
  2. There is no other appropriate person to make and manage the arrangements on their behalf.

If an individual does not wish to arrange/ manage the services they can request the Local Authority do so. In these circumstances the Local Authority has a duty to arrange/manage the services as requested with one exception: the service to be arranged is a residential or nursing placement.

In the case of residential or care home placements the Local Authority can decide whether or not to arrange or manage the services unless:

  1. The person lacks capacity; and
  2. There is no other appropriate person to arrange/ manage the placement on their behalf; in which case
  3. The Local Authority must arrange and manage the placement.

Sometimes an individual may request support to arrange services, but feel able to manage them when they are in place.

If the Local Authority has agreed to (or has a duty to) arrange the services a Care and Support Planning process is not required and your role may involve things like:

  1. Facilitating communication between the individual and a service provider;
  2. Communicating with a service provider on the individual's behalf; and
  3. Supporting the individual to complete any paperwork required to arrange the service.

A record of the support provided in arranging the service should be made in the individual's electronic file.

When the service is arranged you must explain to the individual what steps they should take if:

  1. They feel unable to manage their service in the future; or
  2. They require further support from the Local Authority to arrange a different service; or
  3. Their financial circumstances change.

Charging to arrange services

The Local Authority is legally entitled to charge an administration fee for making arrangements for self funders when:

  1. Asked to do so by the individual; and
  2. The individual has capacity to make the request; and
  3. The services are not care home provision.

If an individual requests the Local Authority both arranges and manages their services, and the Local Authority agrees to do so (or has a duty to do so) those services must be arranged and managed as per any other service.

This means a Care and Support Plan must be developed and reviewed.

If at any time the individual becomes unhappy or concerned about the manner in which the Local Authority is managing their services you should explain to them the option to manage the service independently still exists, so long as:

  1. They continue to be self funding; and
  2. There is no legal obligation for the Local Authority to manage the service.

Charging to arrange services

The Local Authority is legally entitled to charge an administration fee for making arrangements for self funders when:

  1. Asked to do so by the individual; and
  2. The individual has capacity to make the request; and
  3. The services are not care home provision.

Out of area services are those arranged by one Local Authority area but provided in another.

Out of area services are normally arranged when there are no appropriate services available locally. They can also be arranged if the out of area service is deemed crucial to the person's Wellbeing.

Out of area services can be provided on a permanent or temporary basis, depending on the person's specific circumstances and needs.

Temporary out of area services

Temporary out of area services are those provided for a short period of time. Examples of when temporary out of area services may be needed include:

  1. The person with care and support needs is a University student that spends term time only in another Local Authority area
  2. The person with care and support needs spends regular time with other family members that live in a different area;
  3. The person with care and support needs has respite but the only suitable respite placement is in another Local Authority area.

If you know that a person with eligible needs (or other needs that the Local Authority has agreed to meet) spends time in another area, arrangements to meet those needs whilst they are away should be included in the Care and Support Plan.

If urgent needs arise outside of those anticipated or planned for, the Local Authority area where the person is visiting or staying temporarily can use powers in the Care Act to meet those needs. 

For further information about these powers, see: Ordinary Residence Procedure.

The impact on ordinary residence

The following is brief guidance to the possible impact on ordinary residence when an out of area service is arranged.
Also see Ordinary Residence Procedure.

Temporary services

Providing any temporary service in another area when the person has no intention of staying there permanently has no impact on ordinary residence status.

Permanent residential care, nursing care, supported living or shared lives

Residential care, nursing care, supported living (including Extra Care) and shared lives are all specified accommodation under Section 39 of the Care Act 2014. This means that, if the Local Authority places anyone into one of these types of accommodation, their ordinary residence does not change.

Note: Where an out-of-area placement has been identified, you must also read the additional guidance specific to Durham County Council – the Care Package Guidance. This can be found within the Local Resource Area.

Note: Practitioners must not set up a service without first ensuring that the local authority has contracting arrangements in place with the chosen provider. Advice can always be obtained from the commissioning service ( 

Emergency placements

Occasionally placements will be required in an emergency. Where this is the case, staff should consider why the placement cannot be planned and how this could impact on the person and the placement. This should be documented on the person’s case file notes.

Identifying a suitable placement

The Commissioning Advisory Group (CAG) – for Learning Disabilities Service, Navigation Team, Mental Health Service meets monthly to provide support and advice to Adult Care operational staff to help identify suitable services for people with complex needs where the costs are expected to be over £5k per year. The CAG provides advice about different service options (including residential and nursing provision as well as Supported Living), processes, types of services and service availability outside of the meeting dates. CAG manage vacancies and voids across LD and Mental Health services and used by people supported by the Navigation Team. Vacancy lists are updated monthly and can be viewed on point 5 on the Integrated Strategic Commissioning Team intranet page. Practitioners must inform CAG if they are considering a placement as it may be already being considered for another person.

For further information, please contact

The Commissioning Team

The commissioning service will contact the host authority to determine the following: 

  • Whether the placing authority currently contract with the service provider or a spot contract is required.
  • Relevant costs depending on the type of care required.
  • Any safeguarding concerns about the service provision.
  • Are there any third party top up fees to be paid.

The Commissioning Service will take responsibility for negotiating out-of-area fees for care homes.

Concerns about a placement

Where safeguarding concerns are identified prior to a placement being made the Commissioning Assistant will gather detail from the host authority. The commissioning service would identify and pass information to the practitioner where relevant. 

If concerns are identified, then the practitioner would need to consider whether this is a potential option and this would require management oversight. 

In this circumstance, standard practice would expect the following to be considered/actioned:

  1. A conversation between practitioner and manager regarding the concern/s and potential risks.
  2. Monitoring information from host authority, where relevant.
  3. What is the capacity of the individual to be involved in the decision?
  4. Is the person unbefriended or without advocacy?
  5. Is the person moving to be closer to family?
  6. Is there an equivalent Practice Improvement Officer team in the host area for oversight?
  7. Speak to Integrated Care System in the area about the provision.

Approving a placement

The approval for the placement is gained through care management and panel process. There are a number of panels, for example, high-cost panel, joint validation and residential panel, that meet frequently. Please ensure you book onto and submit sufficient materials in advance to support the panel application. 

Following the outcome of panel LD/MH/Navigation Team practitioners must inform CAG and the review database will be updated by the commissioning service accordingly for strategic oversight. This can be done by emailing


Following approval of the placement:

  1. The practitioner must send notification of the placement to the Finance Team via Azeus on the relevant system form. Once the provision is created in Azeus, a placement letter will be issued to the home (currently posted out) confirming the status of the placement, the bed type and the weekly fee.
  2. Practitioner to provide relative/representative details to Financial Assessment Team and to the home for invoices and correspondence.
  3. Deputy and Appointee Team to notify the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) Attendance Allowance and Personal Independence Payment Unit of changes to service user circumstance where the local authority are the financial deputy/appointee.
  4. If applicable, contact Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit and notify them of move to residential care. This may be the responsibility of family.
  5. If applicable, contact Welfare Rights to support the person with benefit entitlements.
  6. Confirm practical matters e.g. close down community services, paying utilities etc. This may be the responsibility of family.
  7. For those in a residential placement and if the personis in receipt of Attendance Allowance, this should stop after four weeks, unless an application is required to consider relinquishing a tenancy, for example under Court of Protection (CoP). Similarly, the care component of Disability Living Allowance / Personal Independence Payment also stops (unless they are self funding). The Department of Works and Pension (DWP) should be informed of the placement, this should be by either the person, family or panel deputy or Durham County Council where the local authority has financial deputyship/appointeeship. The latter must be made aware by the social worker/care manager/care coordinator. If the DWP are not informed within timescale the person will be required to returned the benefit from the date they were not entitled to it.

Reviewing an out-of-area placement

The Commissioning Service have a number of quality assurance review processes available. The quality assurance review option used will depend on the type of contract the placement is under. The options include:

  1. Where Durham County Council ‘piggyback’ on a host authority contract and have robust QA processes there is no role for Durham County Council Commissioning Services.
  2. Where Durham County Council ‘piggyback’ on a host authority contract but the host authority does not share quality assurance information – this is currently under review. In the interim, advice can be gained by contacting Zoe Smith, Adult and Health - Commissioning Services.
  3. Where Durham County Council ‘piggyback’ but there is no host authority quality assurance process in situ or Durham County Council are unsatisfied then Durham County Council Commissioning Services will assess the level of risk and quality assure the service appropriately. This is currently under review. In the interim, advice can be gained by contacting Zoe Smith, Adult and Health - Commissioning Services.
  4. Where Durham County Council contract directly with the provider Commissioning Services would ascertain whether there is an independent quality assurance process and, where this is not in situ, whether there is a role for Durham County Council quality assurance based on risk.

For further information, please see below:


Last Updated: November 22, 2024
